Summary Meetnav developed a fascinating screenshare-on-browser technology that allows several people to control one browser instance, to the point they can see their mouse pointers at the same time. Meetnav
Summary Meetnav developed a fascinating screenshare-on-browser technology that allows several people to control one browser instance, to the point they can see their mouse pointers at the same time. Meetnav
Summary WBA was looking to update their WordPress Website into a more modern, minimalistic, giant photo backdrop design. They needed their beautiful photos to stand out and let the product
Summary We were tasked by the customer a simple easy site for listing the available songs of a karaoke show. A simple web app that would allow customers to
Summary Airstocking was a product mostly unknown in Europe. We were approached by an entrepreneur to create a site that would allow customers to buy the product online, and that
Summary IBPromotions needed a fast loading simple site that would rank well against their competitors on Google. After carefully studying search results pages, we chose a set of target keywords