
Airstocking was a product mostly unknown in Europe. We were approached by an entrepreneur to create a site that would allow customers to buy the product online, and that would focus on positioning in the english and spanish search markets, ideally to collect customers throughout Europe. We identified certain europpean competitor we needed to outrank. Airstocking needed not only a ecommerce solution, but also a platform that would allow them to explain plane an simple how the product works, its advantages, and display credible sources and physical locations where the product could be aquired. 

The site features a responsive design in two languages, a Woocommerce powered experience with logic for discounts, bundles and handling fee. All controlled from a WordPress Panel. The products are showcased using a 3d realtime HTML5 render provided by SketchFab.

3d renders were provided by

The result was a successful Ecommerce site that worked seamlessly in mobile devices, where you can easily order the product, via to accept online payment methods. It ranked well among its competitors and the site saw numerous international shippings.

The minimalisc 3d product display helped to wow the customers in mobile devices, which increased sales a 23%.



Lenka Krizanova at


28th October, 2013